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Postal News - April 2005 |
- Postal Service Rate and Fees Increase Case - USPS rate and fees increase analysis (pdf) submitted to PRC - Chart (pdf) : USPS Summary of Net Income (Loss) & Equity FY 1971-2005 - Postal Watchers: Reform Still Urgent Despite Modest Rate Proposal |
Postmaster General to Lawmakers: Send Money Now -Postmaster General Jack Potter told a House Appropriations subcommittee Tuesday that Congress must finance its security and other costs left out of the administration's fiscal 2006 budget request or the agency's tenuous financial situation could get worse. PMG Potter Testimony | |
CBO 2005 Cost Estimate: H.R. 22 Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act -"Enacting H.R. 22 would not affect how much the federal government spends on pension or health care benefits for USPS retirees. By increasing how much the Postal Service pays to finance those benefits and by eliminating the current-law escrow account requirements, however, the bill would increase future budget deficits as measured by the unified federal budget. Eliminating the escrow account requirement for the USPS would allow that agency to increase spending for capital improvements or other projects, pay down its outstanding debt, postpone or diminish future rate increases, or some combination of these options."
NAPUS eNewsletter:
CBO Slashes Cost of Postal Reform Bill by $4.5 Billion (pdf) |
White House,
Congress at odds over postal law interpretation |
- PhotoStamps test begins May 17, 2005 | USPS Seeks Postage Vendors |
Ex-Postal Manager Pleads Guilty to Theft of $430,311 from USPS -A former San Diego, CA postal manager, who stole $430,311 from the Postal Service by directing clerks to deposit only part of USPS money orders and return the rest to him, pleaded guilty Monday to theft of public money. | |
Postal Appropriations Hearing to Provide Forum for UPS e-NAPUS Newsletter- The House Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, Treasury and HUD will host PMG Potter at a hearing on Tuesday, April 26. - Subcommittee members, however, have not restricted their discussion to the limited amount of money that Congress allocates to the USPS. The appropriations panel has provided subcommittee member Rep. Ann Northup (R-KY) a forum to act as United Parcel Service’s congressional proxy, unfairly attacking the Postal Service. She has also tried to attach amendments to appropriations legislation harmful to the USPS and the mailing public. | |
Bipartisanship Fading for House Bill on Postal Overhaul
- Revised version of H.R. 22 was prepared for today's markup (pdf) |
Seattle NALC Wins Use of Cell Phones in the Office-Seattle area letter carriers are once again permitted to have personal cell phones on the workroom floor and to receive and make emergency calls to/from family members. The USPS Commission on a Safe and Secure Workplace (pdf) in a report issued August 2000and headed by Joseph Califano recommended cell phones for all letter carriers to help protect them from violence. | |
OPM: Expanded Dental, Vision Benefits To Be Available In 2006 -The Federal Employees Health Benefits Plan will offer expanded dental and vision coverage to federal employees and retirees beginning in the summer of 2006, according to a letter sent from the Office of Personnel Management to health insurance companies involved in the FEHBP. OPM officials anticipate holding an open season in spring 2006 for federal workers and retirees who wish to enroll in the supplemental programs.
FYI: Life Insurance (FEGLI) Options: There are two features of the Federal Employees Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) program which employees are probably unaware. First, employees can now irrevocably assign their life insurance benefits to another person or persons. Second, employees can cash in their Basic insurance when you have been diagnosed as being terminally ill. However, by law, these options are mutually exclusive. If an employee elects one, he or she can’t elect the other |
Burrus: Warnings About Proposed Postage Increase Overlook a Simple Truth "If the mailing-industry lobby and the USPS get their way, the brunt of the increase will be born by individual mailers and small businesses. Meanwhile, big advertisers and corporations that send billions of pieces of mail each year will pay as little as 10 cents for first-class letters." "This corporate welfare drains billions of dollars in revenue from the Postal Service every year..." | |
Panel Backs Postal Service Overhaul As Rate Hike Looms--The House Government Reform Committee approved a measure overhauling the Postal Service for the first time in more than three decades. The approval came despite bipartisan concern about language that would have allowed the Postal Service, rather than the Transportation Department, to contract with foreign airlines to carry international mail (see GAO report - pdf) . House aides believe the bill will get to the floor this year, but some parts of the House bill and a pending Senate bill may change. Postmaster General John E. Potter told Bloomberg News: "There are some issues we have with each of the bills." |
Postal Reform - CRS Issue Brief for Congress-some of the topics addressed in a recent CRS Brief by Nye Stevens "Causes of the (Postal Service) Financial Crisis" and "Should the Postal Service Compete?" "While there are differences among the stakeholders in emphasis, the following factors have been identified as being in part responsible for the financial crisis of 2001-2002, and the present precarious state of the enterprise."| |
Court Limits Postal Workers "Wash-Up" Class Action Lawsuit - A federal judge has limited a class-action lawsuit against USPS regarding management's failure to compensate New York Metro employees for wash-up periods. Prior to the elimination of blanket fixed wash-up time, all employees were paid for wash-up. Employees were allowed to leave their work stations 12 or 15 minutes before their lunch periods began to wash up. The change in the wash-up rule meant that employees denied wash-up time had to work up to the beginning of their lunch period.| |
Another Rate Increase-"United
Parcel Service has raised its delivery rates three times since July 2002, and
it even imposed a surcharge because of higher gas prices. Ditto at FedEx and
DHL. Small percentage increases have basically become an annual event for the
major carriers. And the U.S. Postal Service? Zip. Nada. Nothing. Though it's
never welcomed, you have to admit that the postal service’s rate case, which
was filed with the Postal Rate Commission three days ago, is overdue." |
USPS Requests Exclusion of FedEx Agreement Data in Rate Case (PDF)-"United States Postal Service hereby moves that the Commission waive the relevant portions of rules 31(k) and 54 with respect to one library reference, which is not provided with today’s rate case filing, that includes costs and other data associated with the transportation agreement between the Postal Service and Federal Express ("FedEx"). The Postal Service also requests that the Commission establish protective conditions to govern the provision of this library reference"..."both the Postal Service’s and FedEx’s ability to enter into transportation alliances with others would be adversely affected if knowledge of Postal Service volumes carried by FedEx were widely disseminated." | |
High-Tech ID Badges Planned for Federal, Postal Employees by 2006 - The new cards will look like a normal ID badge, with a photo, holder's name and agency, a serial number and expiration date. The ID Card will also include a computer chip that holds at least four pieces of data to verify the cardholder’s identity: two fingerprints, a personal ID number that cardholder would know, an identifying number unique to each card, and a digital signature. Under the draft OMB guidelines, all new employees and contractors would receive these cards beginning no later than Oct. 27, 2006, while current employees and contractors would receive their cards by the tentative schedule of 2007. | - See More Detailed Information - The Postal Service submitted a few concerns about program (pdf) - Controversial new ID badge: Privacy concerns worry employees (Federal Times |
Congressman Introduces Bill to Require Door-to-Door Mail Delivery for Seniors -Congressman Jim Saxton (R-NJ) introduced a bill requiring USPS to deliver mail to the homes of senior citizens age 55+ living in age-restricted developments. Saxton’s bill directs that housing facilities intended for seniors age 55 and up with at least 80 percent occupancy to be serviced with door-to-door delivery. Ray Daiutolo, spokesman for USPS South Jersey District, said delivering door-to-door takes longer and costs more than delivering to cluster boxes.. Saxton introduced a similar bill last year, but it never reached the House floor. This bill is likely to be attached to a postal-reform package under consideration in the Senate .| |
Business Owners Nationwide Urged to ‘Stamp’ Out the Latest Postal Rate Increases-According to Beth Swade Thomas, director of marketing for Money Mailer, “We believe that this double payment is unfair to postal rate payers and the many small businesses that rely on mail to reach customers. For this reason, we are urging business owners to contact their congressional representatives and voice their concerns about this unnecessary and burdensome stamp tax.”| |
Senate Hearing Shows Split on Postal Reform-Funding pension benefits related to the military service of postal retirees was a key issue at a hearing yesterday of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. Several issues divide the Bush administration from some in Congress and the mailing community because of their costs and effect on the federal budget. The split was clear at the hearing. Witnesses included officials from the Treasury Department officials Timothy S. Bitsberger, OPM Acting Director, Dan G. Blair, PMG John E. Potter, and GAO Comptroller David M. Walker | |
PRC Backs Premium Forwarding Service-"Premium Forwarding Service would send a customer's mail to a temporary address once each week via Priority Mail. The service is aimed at customers who relocate for significant periods of time, such as those who own seasonal residences. The cost would include a $10 enrollment fee plus $10 per weekly shipment." | |
1,100 Postmasters Expected Next Week to Promote NAPUS Legislative Agenda-Nearly 1,100 NAPUS Postmasters and retired Postmasters will attend the annual NAPUS Leadership and Legislative conference in Washington, D. C. next week. A full schedule is planned which include speakers from NAPUS, Postal Headquarters, and Congress. Visits are planned on Capitol Hill, as Postmasters and retirees push for support of postal reform. | |
-Bush Not Budging on CSRS -The postal service and its supporters have claimed that USPS is being singled out to fund military service benefits on its own while other federal agencies use tax money.| |
Los Angeles Letter Carriers Placed on Leave Over Market Ads-"I am a Letter Carrier in the Los Angeles area...has anyone heard of the massive firing of Carriers over wasting market ads?" | |
US Fire Administration to Distribute More Than $10M From Heroes Stamp |